BRCGS Food (Brand Reputation through Compliance of Global Standards)
This is a British standard aimed at suppliers of own-brand or retailer-brand food products. The BRC benchmark takes a comprehensive approach covering all food products, as recommended by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), taking into account not only Food Safety, but also Food Fraud and risks associated with tampering and/or sabotage (Food Defence). In the new version (No. 9), there are assurances for an approach that takes into account the ever-changing requirements for Food Safety Culture, Food Fraud and Food Defence.
International Featured Standard
This standard, created in 2003, certifies food suppliers for retailer brands. It is based on the ISO 9001 standard and HACCP system.
The IFS is drawn up by representatives of the retail trade for European food products and it includes the requirements for good production practices, good laboratory practices and good hygiene practices.
This certification is essential for getting into the European large-scale distribution market. It proves that you are in control of the health and safety of your prepared food products.
Le porc Français
In order to provide consumers with clear information, the pork industry collectively and willingly took the initiative to introduce labels indicating the origin of meat, both for fresh meat and for meat used to produce cured meat products.
The French government set up a two-year experiment making it obligatory to indicate the origin of the meat and milk contained within processed foods.
The Le Porc Français logo ensures that the meat from pigs, suckling pigs, sows and products derived from such is of French origin. It means that the animals were born, raised, slaughtered and processed in France. The Le Porc Français logo has been recognised by the French government as a way of implementing the experiment for indicating origins, thus recognising the seriousness of this interprofessional action.
Label Rouge
Label Rouge is a national indicator which highlights products that are of a superior quality in comparison with other similar products generally sold based on the following:
• production conditions that stand out among the production conditions for similar products
• the product image in terms of its production conditions,
• elements of presentation or service.
At all stages of production and development, Label Rouge products must meet the requirements defined in the specifications, validated by the Institut national de l'origine et de la qualité (INAO - French National Institute for Origins and Quality) and approved by a ministerial order published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Indication Géographique Protégée
An Indication géographique protégée (IGP - Protected Geographical Indication) identifies an agricultural product for which the quality, reputation or other characteristics are linked to its geographical origins.
An IGP is related to a particular savoir-faire. It is dedicated to existing produce, providing protection both at European and International levels.
The rules for preparing an IGP are listed in the specifications and are subject to control procedures implemented by an independent body approved by the Institut national de l'origine et de la qualité (INAO - French National Institute for Origins and Quality).
Spécialité Traditionnelle Garantie (STG)
The Spécialité Traditionnelle Garantie (STG - Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) label refers to a product that has specific qualities relating to its composition, or the traditional way it is manufactured or processed.
The STG label aims to define the composition or traditional production methods of a product, but not necessarily any link to its geographical origin.
Visalim, a quality process controlled by an independent body, certifies that our dried sausages and dry cured sausages have specific characteristics important to consumers, in compliance with specifications which stipulate the methods used.
- Produced exclusively from pork originating in France.
- Produced using the finest fresh pork cuts.
- Traditional recipes and production methods.
- Slow maturing process in natural casings.