Exceptional flavour

Our sausages are made with 100% pork shoulder, the finest meat from the animal. These delights from our terroir, or land, never fail to deliver exceptional flavour, thanks to our diligence in terms of meat quality and traditional production methods such as removing the bones from the pork shoulders on site and preparing the meat no longer than five days after slaughter. Our traditional methods include using a mincer, stuffing the sausages by hand into natural casings, trussing the sausages, brushing the sausages by hand and mildly fermenting the sausages. We favour using natural spices, free from synthetic ingredients. Long maturing and drying times are vital for developing aromas. It is this precious savoir-faire from the people at Bastides Salaisons which takes our customers on a veritable sensory journey.

Viande haché de porc, produit par la marque Bastides.

Pigs from south-west France

We have been working with the same farms in south-west France for around forty years. Some of these breeders produce traditional free-range pork, fed with food free from GMOs. Our concern for the well-being of animals was honoured with an award from the NGO Compassion, for the sow rearing method used for producing sliced rosette sold at the British supermarket Waitrose.

Élevage des porcs du Sud-Ouest en plein air.

Quality and food safety

Quality farming is in our DNA. We rigorously select our raw materials and we meet the highest standards. This quality is assured thanks to the strong partnerships we have built with our suppliers, some of whom have been working with us for decades. We are one of the last companies to produce our cured meats by exclusively using fresh meat, deboned on a daily basis in our workshops. Our requirements also apply to our products for resale such as Serrano ham, Italian coppa or Swiss Grison beef, which we source from family businesses also committed to quality excellence. Our company is IFS and BRC certified.

Photo mettant en avant la qualité et la sécurité alimentaire, chez Bastides.
Photo d'un champs ensoleillé.

Full steam ahead for organic production

Since 2020, Bastides Salaisons has been toughening its requirements and developing organic cured meats. We have been working with a family of breeders who rear their free-range pigs organically, with lots of space and an even better diet. Our sausages are sold in France and abroad. Generally speaking, all production across our company is done, as a minimum, in accordance with Label Rouge standards – the only superior quality label in France. Supported by our Research and Development team, we are constantly striving to keep levels of salt, additives and preservatives to a minimum.

Standing by our regional devotion

Our company has been evolving in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, on its original premises, since 1962. We are genuinely committed to keeping Bastides Salaisons at the heart of this rural setting. We are devoted to the Aveyron, where dry cured meats have been produced throughout history, and where there is a wealth of savoir-faire, gastronomy and craft industry. A land full of tradition, home to spirited men and women, and an unspoilt rural way of life. We are fully committed to our role as an economic player/force, which is why Bastides Salaisons does not sub-contract work to foreign labour – our employees are local and live in the region. We only collaborate with local companies from south-west France, whether for carrying out work on the factory or for rearing the pigs.

Vue aérienne de Villefranche-de-Rouergue.

Protecting the environment

Conscious of pressing environmental issues, for years now we have been committed to a sustainable development policy. Our proximity to our breeders, who are based in our region, reduces our environmental impact. Great effort is being made at our production site too. We are working on our packaging, which has not contained PVC since 2010. We are developing food containers made from 30% recycled plastic and our packing boxes are made from recycled paper pulp. Another ongoing project is seeking to convert our plastic waste into insulation solutions. Furthermore, our factory has undergone a huge transformation in order to centralise cold air, which is essential in our production rooms. We are setting up a building dedicated to ammonia-based cold production, avoiding any environmental impact. Heat is recovered and used to heat domestic water, the drying ovens and drying rooms. This incredibly virtuous way in which we produce energy significantly reduces our CO2 production. We have gone from 1,700 to 224 tonnes of CO2, which means we already meet European legislation set for 2030.

Photo produits Bastides Salaisons, dans des emballages respectueux de l'environment.
Photo de deux employé dans l'entreprise Bastides Salaisons.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Bastides Salaisons is committed to protecting the environment, developing the local area and improving working conditions. Attentive to our teams, the company regularly invests in the automation of certain tasks to facilitate the day-to-day lives of its employees. In terms of professional equality between men and women, Bastides Salaisons – where 70% of the workforce is female – scores 95 out of 100. Our suppliers are also bound by these commitments via a charter that means they are actively involved when it comes to CSR. This proactive approach is recognised every year in Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA), which Bastides Salaisons complies with successfully.